Hair Transplant Info and FAQs
All about hair transplants, medical tourism, and Monark.
Monark is not a medical provider. You should consult a doctor before undergoing any surgical procedure.
All medical information has been sourced from Healthline unless otherwise specified.
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What is Monark?
Monark is an online platform that helps patients connect with high-quality international hair transplant providers. We help patients find a great provider for their needs, and we help providers grow their business. We also provide patients with a dedicated Patient Care team to support them throughout their journey.
How much does Monark cost?
Monark is completely free for patients. We make money by charging providers a fee to list on our site.
How does Monark select providers to list?
We only list providers which meet our provider standards.View our provider standards.
What is a hair transplant?
A hair transplant is a surgical procedure that moves hair follicles from one part of the body to another. Hair transplants are most commonly performed on the scalp, but can also be performed on other areas of the body.
Why should I travel for a hair transplant?
Hair transplants are a popular medical tourism procedure. Patients travel to other countries for hair transplants for a variety of reasons. Some patients travel to save money, while others travel to receive a higher quality of care.
Are there different types of hair transplants?
There are two common types of hair transplant: FUE (follicular unit extraction) and FUT (follicular unit transplantation). They vary in surgical technique, cost, and recovery. Both are generally performed with local anesthesia. You should consult with your local or international provider to determine which procedure is right for you.
In FUE, the hair follicles are cut out directly from the back of the head through hundreds to thousands of tiny punch incisions before being transplanted. It may involve less pain and scarring that FUT, and does not involve stitches. Another type of hair transplant, called DHI (direct hair implantation) works similarly- it's sometimes known as micro-FUE.
In FUT, the hair follicles are cut out from the back of the head in a strip, and transplanted into the balding area. The FUT procedure does involve stitches, which may be removed after 10 days.
How long does the procedure take?
The procedure usually takes anywhere from 4-8 hours, depending on the number of grafts and the type of procedure. Sometimes the procedure is done in multiple sessions over the course of a few days.
How long will my whole trip take?
Your trip can be as short as 2 days. However, this time can vary based on travel time, the way the procedure is done, and other factors. You should coordinate your trip planning with your selected international provider.Preview your patient journey here.
When will I see results?
You should see visible hair growth within 3-6 months after the procedure. The results should continue to improve over the next 12 months.
How long will the results last?
The results should last for the rest of your life, as long as you do not lose more hair. However, you may need to get a touch-up procedure in the future. Continued use of hair loss medication may be necessary to avoid losing more hair.
What you should avoid before the surgery?
Patients should avoid alcohol, drugs such as aspirin, and other substances for one week before the procedure. You should ask your selected international provider or local doctor for a full list of things to avoid before your procedure.
What you should avoid after the surgery?
Alcohol, smoking, drugs, exercise, sunlight exposure, and more should be restricted after the procedure in order to stay safe and achieve the best results. Restrictions and timelines can vary- you should ask your selected international provider or local doctor for a full list of requirements for your recovery.
How soon can I fly home after the surgery?
Some patients fly home the same day as the procedure. However, you should check with your selected international provider or local doctor to determine when you can fly home safely.
How soon can I return to work after the surgery?
You should be able to return to work after about 3 days. However, you should check with your selected international provider or local doctor to determine when you can return to work safely.
How soon can I exercise after the surgery?
You should avoid strenuous exercise for about 1 week after the procedure.
Will the procedure cause pain?
Both procedures may cause pain. However, FUE is generally less painful than FUT. You should ask your selected international provider or local doctor about pain management options.
Will the procedure cause scarring?
Both procedures may leave scarring. Generally, FUE leads to a less noticeable type of scar. There are ways to remove the scars such as laser treatment or other procedures, but these are not guaranteed to work.
What are the possible side effects of a hair transplant?
The most common side effect is scarring. Other potential side effects include: infections, crust or pus drainage around the surgical sites, scalp pain, itching, and swelling, inflammation of hair follicles (folliculitis), bleeding, losing sensation around the surgical sites, visible areas of hair that don’t match the surrounding hair or are noticeably thinner, and continuing to lose hair if your hair is still balding.
Where can I find more information about hair transplants?
You should consult your doctor for more information about whether a hair transplant is right for you. You can also find more information about hair transplants on the American Hair Loss Association website.
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